God’s will

God's Will 

Following God’s will for your life is so important as a follower + believer because it ensures us on the right path of life. It’s so important that we don’t become ego-centered on goals or anything in life that we’re doing because if it’s not God’s will things will look a little upside down. When I think of God’s will I think of all the good things all the things I am to experience if I choose his will over mine. Let’s face it our plans have limits and maybe boundaries but God has none so 

I practice this with joy joy joy allowing God to do his will with this podcast and then allow him or better yet choose his will over mine. Some amazing things begin to happen things I couldn’t have thought. It's an act of surrendering, letting go, and allowing God to show you, to guide you into his will that he has for you. 

“Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6:10‬ ‭ESV‬‬


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