Dont ignore the problem

Don't ignore  

I dont know about you but Jesus never ignored the fact that proeblems will occur and not just sit back and do nothing. We are called as christians to  bring about change in the world not be in the mist of problems but to see a way out of that problem.

It would be foolish of us yes foolish to sit and ignore and pretend nothing is happening and that the problem will magically go away. Well, sadly that's not the case ignoring it is just bringing more to the problem. 

Instead, bring about change to the problem finding a way to fix it instead of ignoring it. Someone who did this amazingly well was Martian Luther King Jr. he saw the problem of racism and went about change and finding ways of fixing it Not ignoring it like some did.

As we celebrate the great man he was let it be an example to you that when you see a problem you find ways to bring about change, fix, and most importantly not ignore it.


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