What a week

What a week

Ever had a week where your just going and going putting in work each and every single day. No real time for rest or a big nap yess well that would be me this week. My church had its day camp which is VBS for my church folks. But it’s a long, fun, and tiring week. All worth it of course and full of fun and is always a JOY! For me and I love it, but man it’s been a week and I’m thankful that’s only week lol all is goof though.

But there’s something’s I’ve learned and would love to share with you to help you/ encourage you

1. Take every opportunity; don’t sit and wait for the opportunity if its right in front of you. Take that leap and go for it

2. Show your best + do your best

3. Make a effort to make a difference in someone’s life

4. Get some rest!! Don’t try and go without rest 

5. Celebrate  the big wins and the small ones 

I hope this helps you blessings to you and your family(:


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