I love reading do you?
I don't about you but there's just something about reading a good book and having a sip of coffee that truly makes my day and gives me so much Joy. I enjoy reading it gives me insight on the author, their writing, and the story they're conveying through their writing.
Its so cool what a book can do to you, what places is brings you to, the ideas, and so much more I can go on and on about it. But lets flip that to the Bible, the word of God has so much to offer us its not another history book ( as some say) or book about people.
It is the living word of God, as we read he speaks to us through his word. When read his word and apply to our lives transformation happens to us, because we're allowing the word of God to shape us.
Reading the word is something we need each and every day we live off his word which is our nourishment of our souls.
What a blessing it is to read God's word wow I count it a privilege to be able to.
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